Thursday, April 07, 2005

Thursday i´ve got friday on my mind..

An eventfull thursday at work, and i never seem to stop being amazed how stupid my tennats are. For example, this guy started to make popcorn. You know LOOOTS of oil inte the pan, quite hot and what do you do next ?...Well this guy whent for a walk and came back about one hour later, the whole apartment i flames. Turns out hi´s got no insurance, and naturally as he has be negligent he will have to pay for the repairs, but noooooooooooo....not his bloke...
He claims there is no warningsigns neither on the stove, the bottle of oil or the popcorn bag, that tells him that he can not leave oil in a pan on a hot stove unatended, and figure company files a lawsuit and,,, LOSES.......

I rest my case your honour, no further wintnesses


Norman Fibbler

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